Miscellaneous, rb, stb

Happy Mini-Friday

The weeks are flying by. How is it already June 18?

I started a new job at work. Rather, I still have my old job responsibilities but I was given a whole another person’s job responsibilities. Time will tell if this results in a nice raise for me. Don’t hold your breath. I’m not. I am in charge of all the ordering of materials for all of the projects at the hospital, as well as receiving the material and processing invoices. So the new job has me interacting with the tradespeople all day every day and that, combined with my three pumping interruptions, makes the days go quick. The only downside is that I am located in the basement of the hospital again, with no window, and that isn’t good for my psyche.

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Rick has been busy with camp this week and this year they added a couple of more camps so he is tied up through next Tuesday, so Rick’s first father’s day with two kids will be like all of his father’s days of the past – he’ll be working. It’s a bummer because it looks as though it is going to be the first super nice day of the summer. I am going to see Grease with my mom, dad & sister and then we’ll grill hamburgers and have my sister’s world famous potato salad (seriously, I could live on it in the summer time). I’m just counting down the days to Tuesday so we can have Rick home more.

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Another thing keeping Rick busy is our new paver patio. He’s been working on it for over a month (or at least we’ve had five pallets of pavers in our driveway for over a month) but we are finally in the homestretch – I think all he has left to do is broom the sand over the pavers and into the cracks. Now if we can just find a way to get rid of all of the flying bugs I would be the happiest girl alive

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Wow, I haven’t mentioned my kids in this post yet. I think it’s going to stay that way because I need to go to bed. Perhaps you’ll get some Mallory & Carson stuff tomorrow.

Oh – but I do have a question for you…

[poll id=2]

1 thought on “Happy Mini-Friday

  1. The U is obviously not SOX compliant. You order, receive and PAY??? Public companies only dream of that kind of efficiency… Anyway – glad to hear you have some new repsonsibilities. When will you be running the place?

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