About Me

  • I’m a wife to a great guy who works way too many hours but is a wonderful dad when he is home.
  • I’m a mom to two great kids who I love spending time with (good thing since I get to do it so much).
  • I have a degree in marketing and general business, but have worked as a computer geek, as a business/scheduling manager for ice rinks, and now in the construction industry.
  • My dad is an engineer which means that I am automatically really smart.
  • I have this {probably irrational} issue with people leaving the toilet seat up when they flush. My brother-in-law told me that he learned once that 8-million germs escape into your bathroom when you flush. And these germs end up on your toothbrush, etc, if you don’t shut the lid. I have trained my husband & daughter to always close the lid before they flush, and I try to remember to put toothbrushes away before other people come over but if I forget and someone flushes the toilet without closing the lid, I’ll toss the toothbrush and get out a new one…
  • …but I don’t have a problem giving my kid a paci that fell on the ground.

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