Carson, Mallory

Swingin’ Siblings

I am beyond happy that Carson is finally big enough to fit in his outside swing – now I can sit back and let Mallory push him and not worry about him falling out. I’m still in the backyard while she’s pushing him, but I am able to do dog poop cleanup or get the mail real quick while they play.

I think this is one of my new favorite photos

swinging siblings1

swinging siblings 2

With Carson’s ever increasing mobility, I’m finding that I have to mediate and redirect Mallory more & more. When Carson used to just chill in the bouncy seat, Mallory mostly ignored him. But now that he is rolling and scooting all over the place, Mallory is interested in taking whatever toy caught Carson’s eye. Why she has any interest in a toy that interests a 6-mo old, I have no idea.

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