Mallory, Pictures

Clickin Kids

I’m part of a little study group of women from the Clickin Moms community (it is an online group for moms who take pictures – you can get feedback on your photos, and get lots of great ideas!). My study group is all about understanding exposure, something I know I need to work on. I’m a little behind in my “studies” because I keep forgetting to read the book and take the pictures, but tonight I finally decided to take the pictures for the first assignment. I had to get my camera’s manual out, too, so I could figure out how to set all the settings I was supposed to be using.

Mallory’s fancy purple shoes were supposed to be my subject (I was supposed to take the same picture with the same f/stop and just change the ISO, all while keeping the exposure meter set to zero…):


but after reviewing my shots, I think I screwed something up so I’m going to try again tomorrow.

ANYWAY, after I got done taking my pictures, Mallory asked to take some pictures. So I put the camera strap around her neck and sat down on the steps. I was then instructed to hand over the camera manual, lens cap and my instructions for the assignment. She proceeded to sit down on the grass and pretended to read through my camera manual. I was able to get her to sit still for a minute so I could go track down another camera, because I wanted to take pictures of her taking pictures. I love that the closest camera I could find was Mallory’s camera (my old small digital, can be seen in this post).

“Hey, hey! I need dat stuff!”

“Do I push DIS button?”

HEY! Dat’s our HOUSE!”

1 thought on “Clickin Kids

  1. Sam, your photos are awesome. My pics all look like crap compared to yours. That’s one of the reasons I love reading your blog. The photo quality is amazing. I can barely use my point-in-click camera, so I can’t imagine using something w/ actual lenses etc. If we still lived in MI, I would so be hiring you to take our family pics.

    Take it easy!

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