Carson, Football, Mallory


So far so good, eh? We are on our way to {hopefully} a nice Christmas vacation!

Quote of the day from Saturday: I was trying to get Mallory ready & out the door so I asked her if she was ready to go watch football.

MCB got all sad and said “but I want to go to the TAILGATE!!”

Grandpa & Carson

Mallory, RB & Carson (Mallory always says that Rick is just Carson’s daddy, not hers. But I assure you Rick is bof of my baby daddy.)

This past weekend was threatening rain and I was so torn about whether to take any or one or both kids to the game. I was hesitant to pay a sitter so I could go sit in the rain for a couple of hours, but my sister said she could take one kid (Carson) so I was going to take Mallory with me. Mallory was a little irritated that Carson was going to get to go play at Aunt Emily’s ~ luckily the weather forecast improved enough that I ended up just taking both kids to the game.

The game was more exciting than it had to be and the kids were pretty good again. Both of them seem to have issues with the final minutes of the game so my mom & I end up watching these nailbiter finishes on the jumbotron while trying to calm down my kids.

Mallory & Carson both enjoy the music at the games – Carson started to kick his legs whenever the loud music would start. And I can’t stand it when Mallory starts to sing and clap during the Victors or Let’s Go Blue. I just can’t stand it.

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