Carson, cousins, Mallory

Cousins in black & white

I don’t take as many “real” pictures as I used to. Pictures of my kids just doing their thing and not knowing I’m taking their picture. I feel I’ve gotten lost in making sure I’m following the rule of thirds and that I have the perfect lighting (or as good as I can do), etc.

My iPhone has a bajillion of selfies and funny pictures & videos of my kids being my kids but I have a new goal of getting my real camera out to take more pictures like that of them. Sometimes I’m afraid of the extra computer time editing them and doing something with them for real.

But I need to start somewhere.

Today I took some pictures of Mallory & Carson and 3/4 of their cousins. Shane was at his second swim practice of the day (and how awesome is he that he might letter in swimming as a FRESHMAN!!??? And he has his learner’s permit!?!? OMG).

Anyway. Here are the children.


Carson working a puzzle. He went back and forth between his puzzle and a movie and a football game. 20151219_173226

Carson, Cameron, Mallory & Lauren watching “The Grinch”; the notebook Mallory has on her lap was so she & Lauren could write out a yoga workout program. 20151219_173258

And then we got home and Rick dug out a VHS copy of the first Star Wars movie. 20151219_194449