Baby Fred

Seven More Days?

well, it’s officially one week until our due date. no progress as far as i can tell that would make me think this baby is anywhere near making an appearance.

i am getting tired of working and the constant “when are you due? are you ready?” questions. rick has been sleeping on the couch due to my pregnancy induced snoring. i guess i should come clean and say that i snore even when i’m not pregnant, but according to rick the past 3 weeks have been off the charts. also, he’s been instructed to not nudge me if i’m snoring now, since i sometimes have trouble falling asleep. then he has the audacity to say he can’t wait for me to not be pregnant anymore so he can finally get some sleep. i guess he doesn’t realize that the baby is going to affect his sleeping more than my snoring does.

michigan is still having a hell of a football season, leading up to a big game in columbus in a few weeks. and with the tigers in the world series, i can’t help but think about the baby book scrapbooking possibilities of all these fun events going on in the world!